Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 9: Struggling and Cheating!

Yesterday I could not down even 1 liter of that lemonade stuff (Noticed how I have lost my affection for my survival drink) But, I was determined not to cheat. So, instead I ate practically nothing. Woke up feeling lightheaded and nauseous. I decide to finished out the detox w/ just juicing vegetables and fruits. I am very glad I made that decision...I feel so much better and went for a brisk walk on the beautiful fall day.

Also, I noticed 8K CM....immediately I went from wanting to starve my body to wanting to feed my body. I was worried that if I got pregnant..the poor child would be sucking on lemons! It is just the protective nature of a mother....so I got myself an Odwalla Superfood Omega 3 w/ Flaxseed Beeries GoMega and indulged! And I got some spicy V8.....which I will have for lunch...yummy!!

I was at the grocery store and saw the biggest pomegranates ever!!! So I bought two. A quick way to add pizazz to your salad is to sprinkle these seeds on top!! I can't wait!

I am so glad that I did this detox. It really helps you to appreciate food ina different way. And when I ween food back into my diet, I am going to be very particular about what I put in it. I am going to try and do more fish...nuts....and raw vegetables!!! Yeah!!

Oh...and on the baseball front...the most amazing game last night! Phils beat the Rockies and we are on to play the Dodgers!! So excited!!!!

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