Monday, August 17, 2009

I Love Fall! I Love JCrew and this Dress!

I am a big fan of JCrew.... long before the First Lady. I think this is a great dress. The sleeves are my favorite I just need an excuse to buy it! My husband has made it clear that I must not touch the JCrew credit card I need to think of a way to get this dress! Any ideas!


  1. Oh my gosh, did we miscarry at the same time? Sorry to be so blunt. I think that is the best I could do with typing. Ugg....I am sorry for your loss.

    I am on HCG so I don't have any hormone crashes after that strong ovulation after my miscarriage. I will never get off HCG because I love it so much and it helps with my hormones. Don't know if I need it or not, I am assuming I do. Also because I don't want a short luteal phase while we are in Hawaii.

    I wish I would have tried after the miscarriage because I had GREAT MUCUS! But I wasn't sure I would see such a clear pattern in my mucus to start HCG so we didn't. Now I see that there is and well that's in the past.

    So I am doing the HCG to prevent a hormone crash from this cycle and to help with the next cycle. And because I just LOVE injections--NOT! hahahaha

    Take the dress money out of the grocery money! ;) Your DH will NEVER know! I promise! hahahaha Sorry I don't have time to read your blog tonight. But email me if you need anything!! xxoo

  2. I am going to try my next fertile phase! :) So in a few weeks. :)

  3. Just started reading your blog and look forward to hearing more about you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been there twice and it is heartbreaking.

    I love the dress, too.

  4. Sure you may add me. May I do the same and add you?
